


Whole-life cost and sustainability prediction program

Compiled by Bernard Williams and Malcolm Lay

Version 1 - 28th February 2012
© 2012
International Facilities and Property Information Ltd, Bernard Williams, Malcolm Lay
Published to the internet by:
International Facilities and Property Information Ltd,
Kings House
32-40 Widmore Road
Web-design by Dave Hurrell
Conditions of Sale:
All rights reserved. No part of this program may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this program ) other than in accordance with the Licence Agreement for the program or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 9HE. Applications for the copyright holder’s permission to reproduce any part of this program should be addressed to the publishers.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this program is suitable for its purpose, i.e. early design - stage prediction of typical whole-life cost and sustainability of building projects , no liability can be accepted for any loss incurred in any way whatsoever by any person relying solely or partly on the information contained herein.
This publication has been very much a team effort between the publishers the co-authors and the web-designer. The authors are especially  indebted to Dave Hurrell for his forbearance as they tried to bend web-programming beyond recognised levels of feasibility and for learning the finer points of building economics in order to program the authors’ calculations. They also gratefully acknowledge the work of the original authors of this work’s antecedent publications – ‘Design Economics of Building Services’ (BEB 1984) – including Paul Bennett (deceased) and the members of Ronald Hurst Associates and Bernard Williams Associates who contributed to its production - and ‘Whole-life Economics of Building Services’ in which Bernard Williams and Malcolm Lay were joined by Ronald Hurst as a co-author. 
Bernard Williams FRICS
Bernard was the founder partner of Bernard Williams Associates, a firm of Chartered Surveyors specialising in Building and Facilities Economics from which he retired as a partner in April 2002 and to whom he is now an active consultant.
He is now also Managing Director of International Facilities and Property Information Ltd, a publishing company specialising in developing and promoting innovative approaches to improving performance and value in the FM and property sectors, on a world-wide platform.
He has a number of published reference works including ‘Facilities Economics’, ‘Cost-effective Facilities’ (both  for BEB Ltd.), ‘Building & Development Economics in the EU’ (Financial Times) and ‘Whole-life Economics of Building Services’ (IFPI Ltd).
He is author and developer of the EstatesMaster  Facilities Cost Prediction and Benchmarking program and has a visiting Chair in The Centre for Facilities Management Development (CFMD) at Sheffield Hallam University.
Malcolm Lay MBA, MInstR
Malcolm began his career with one of the major UK manufacturers and importers of refrigeration equipment. He studied to gain an HNC in Engineering and went on to spend the greater part of his career with major building services contractors, during which time he added an MBA to his qualifications.
He has operated in most areas of the building services industry including contract accounting, quantity surveying, management, co-ordination of PFI’s and project management.
He has considerable experience in estimating for new works, refurbishment/replacement and maintenance as well as portfolio management of investment properties from both the client’s and contractor’s sides.
He is co-author (with Ronald Hurst and Bernard Williams) of ‘Whole-life Economics of Building Services’ (IFPI Ltd).